释义 |
说他们的坏话 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
We belittle them for their success, we criticize unfairly, we bad-mouth people, we become obstacles to their further progress. 我们因为别人的成功去贬损他们,对他们进行不公正的评价,说他们的坏话,阻碍他们的进步。 - 2
Full of energy, upturned mouth. The pain of sorrow and disappointment hidden behind the smile. Some people say bad things about someone in front of you, you just smile. 精神饱满,嘴角上翘。将痛苦忧愁与失望藏于微笑后面。有人在你面前说某人坏话时,你只微笑。 - 3
Finally, the new people need to know is a Linzi wedding company business is good and bad, a lot of that word of mouth according to legend. 最后新人们要知道的就是一家临淄婚庆公司生意的好与差,很多在于口碑的相传的。