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待售公寓 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?拉萨勒特出租公寓式酒店 公里。 中文名称 拉萨勒特出租公寓式酒店 英文名称 Apartments to let 房间数量 2 地理位置 大湾 酒店地址 La Salette Road, 格兰贝伊 周围景观 Super U超市、红顶教堂 目录 1 简介 2 交通信息 3 房
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Many congressmen invest so much time in their districts that they do not bother to rent apartments in Washington, DC, let alone bring their families to the capital. 很多国会议员整日在自己的辖区内奔波,根本没有时间在华盛顿特区租房停留,更别说把家人带到首都来安家了。 - 2
They persuaded some landlords to let them slice up four-bedroom apartments into as many as 10 smaller rooms, which they then started renting out to young Japanese women. 她们说服一些房东把四个卧室的公寓改造成十个小房间,然后开始向年轻的日本女性出租。 - 3
On January 1, 1909, six months before the Balmoral was to open, Mr. Banwell announced that all but two of the apartments were already let. 年元旦节那天,距离巴摩罗开门揖客尚有半年的时间,邦威尔先生宣布所有公寓都已借出,仅剩两套。