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- 1
Mix in colds, which are prevalent this time of year, and the immune system of Americans could be dealt a one-two punch. 在一年之中的这个时候,由于混合了普通感冒,美国人的免疫系统将面临组合拳的打击。 - 2
McCarthy's dialogue is like this: every question sets up a one-two punch, and most of the sparring partners sound alike. 麦卡锡的对白通常是这样设置的:围绕着某个问题你来我往的交锋一番,但大多数争执都是在友好气氛中进行的。 - 3
If these initial findings hold, honey could find a new role as part of a one-two punch of drugs and the sweet stuff to combat infection. 如果这些初步的发现确认有效,蜂蜜就能够扮演治疗细菌感染的重要角色,让含有蜂蜜的药物对细菌展开连续进攻,而且这些药物吃起来还非常甜。