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cast-in-place concrete pile 1 ?灌注桩 2.3 灌注桩(cast-in-place concrete pile) 在地基中以人工或机械成孔, 在孔中灌注混凝土而成的桩。 2 ?混凝土灌注桩 ...坑支护;预应力锚杆;混凝土灌注桩; [gap=460]Key Words: pit support, prestressed anchor bolt, cast-in-place concrete pile ... 3 ?场铸混凝土基桩 场铸基桩动力载重试验之规划与适用性探讨 - 机械,电子文档资料 关键词:场铸混凝土基桩,动力载重试验,适用性 [gap=935]Keywords:cast-in-place concrete pile, dynamic load testing, suitability 4 ?注入桩 ... cast-in-place bored pile 设计要求 cast-in-place concrete pile 就地灌注桩 ; 灌注桩 ; 混凝土灌注桩 ; 注入桩 cast-in-place concrete pile rig 灌注桩钻孔机 ...
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It introduces the current hazards of borehole cast-in-place concrete pile, analyses the reasons, and provides the preventions. 介绍了钻孔灌桩柱的常见病害,分析了导致病害及缺陷产生的原因,并针对具体问题提出了防治措施。 - 2
Based on the practice, it analyses the performance and limitation of borehole cast-in-place concrete pile, and introduces the methods of quality test: especially the stress reflection method. 结合工程实例,分析了钢筋混凝土钻孔灌注的特点及常见缺陷。介绍了基桩质量检测的常用方法及反射波法检测钻孔灌注桩的基本原理、方法。 - 3
After scheme comparison between cast in-place concrete pile method and FRANKI pile method, the FRANKI pile method has been confirmed finally. 通过对钻孔灌注桩和FRANKI桩两种地基处理方案的比选,最终确定采用FRANKI桩地基处理方案。