释义 |
- 卞之琳:卞之琳(1910年12月8日—2000年12月2日),曾用笔名季陵,男,江苏海门人,祖籍江苏溧水,中国新诗诗人、文学评论家、翻译家,“汉园三诗人”之一。
- abstract:
1 Bian Zhilin (, 1910–2000) was a 20th-century Chinese poet, translator and literature researcher.
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"When you admire a landscape on a bridge, you are also part of the landscape for people on the tower, " wrote Chinese poet Bian Zhilin. 诗人卞之琳有一首诗,写道:“你在桥上看风景,看风景的人在楼上看你。” - 2
Bian Zhilin (1910-2000), born in Haimen, Jiangsu, was a scholar, translator, and poet with great achievements in modern literature history. 卞之琳(1910 - 2000),江苏海门人,现代文学史上卓有成就的诗人、翻译家和学者。 - 3
In the concept of poetics, Bian Zhilin has been making every effort to pursue "beauty of intelligence", intellect and the close blending of perceptions. 在诗学观念上,卞之琳一直力求追逐“智慧之美”,追求知性与感性的密切交融。