释义 |
- 声明要求:一种正式的陈述,通常用于表达对某事物的所有权、权利或要求。
1 ?索赔清单 ... claim 要求权,索赔,债权 claim statement 索赔清单 claim to property 索赔财产 ... 2 ?损失索赔清单 charge-and-discharge statement 经营及支出报告表, 遗产报告表, 资金运用表 claim statement 损失索赔清单; 起诉状 clearing house statement 票据交换所报表 .. 3 ?起诉状 charge-and-discharge statement 经营及支出报告表, 遗产报告表, 资金运用表 claim statement 损失索赔清单; 起诉状 clearing house statement 票据交换所报表 ..
- 1
Pachauri has refused to apologise for the claim, though the IPCC has issued a statement expressing regret for the mistake. 虽然IPCC已经发表声明为此错误表示遗憾,但是帕乔里拒绝为此断言道歉。 - 2
In academic writing, an argument is usually a main idea, often called a "claim" or "thesis statement," backed up with evidence that supports the idea. 在学术写作中,一个论题是一个主要观点(a main idea),常常被叫作“论断”(claim)或者“命题陈述”(thesis statement),背后由证据来支撑。 - 3
Last night, Yakult issued a statement saying the rejected claim was just one aspect of its research. 昨天晚上,益力多发表声明,表示被驳回的广告宣传只是其研究的一个方面。