释义 |
声称代表 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?理赔代表 ... 理赔计算 adjustment of claims 理赔师 Loss adjuster ; ALHC 理赔代表 CLAIM REPRESENTATIVE ...
- 1
State Farm, Pace's insurance company, covered the roughly $3,500 in damage to Innes' car, and a claim representative sent Innes a letter of appreciation this summer. Pace 的保险公司 State Farm 负担了 Innes 的车大约 3500 美元的修理费用,并宣称将在今年夏天给 Innes 写一封感谢信。 - 2
State Farm, Pace's insurance company, covered the roughly $3, 500 in damage to Innes' car, and a claim representative sent Innes a letter of appreciation this summer. Pace 的保险公司 State Farm 负担了 Innes 的车大约 3500 美元的修理费用,并宣称将在今年夏天给 Innes 写一封感谢信。 - 3
This very argument provides ammunition for those who claim that most of Douglass' ideas, being so representative of their time, are now obsolete. 正是这一论点为那些声称道格拉斯的大部分观点已经过时的人提供了弹药,这些观点如此地代表了他们的时代。