释义 |
- 云豹:一种生活在东南亚地区的中等体型猫科动物,身上有浓密的斑点和条纹,被认为是濒危物种之一。
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The Indo-Malayan lowlands are home to Asian elephants, clouded leopards, wild water buffalo, gaur, hornbills, cobras and geckos. 印度-马来亚低地(Indo - Malayan)居住着亚洲象、云豹、野水牛、白肢野牛、犀鸟、眼镜蛇及壁虎。 - 2
Clouded leopards are the most elusive of all the big cats, which include lions, tigers, jaguars, snow leopards and normal spotted leopards. 在大型猫科动物如:狮子、老虎、美洲豹、雪豹及普通斑点豹中,云豹是最具隐蔽性的一种。 - 3
This big cat is so enigmatic that researchers only realised it was a new species - distinct from clouded leopards living elsewhere in Asia - in 2007. 这种大猫行踪诡异,过去4年,研究人员只意识到这是一个新品种,与生活在亚洲的其他云豹不同。