释义 |
1 ?退圈圆盘 ... cloque n. 泡泡,胖花组织 cloth wheel 退圈圆盘 clothing n.(集合名词)衣服 ... 2 ?布轮麻轮毡轮 ... 海绵磨块Grinding block 布轮麻轮毡轮Cloth wheel 窗帘杆窗帘挂钩配件Curtain hook ...
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It is also suitable for grinding and polishing glass, wood, stone and other products, resin grinding wheel is manufactured, novel materials emery cloth. 它还适用于玻璃、竹木、石材等制品的磨削和抛光,又是制造树脂砂轮,砂布的新颖材料。 - 2
Exhibit: sand belt, sand paper and abrasive product, diamond sand wheel, Pitch cutting, Black lead cloth, etc. 展品:砂带、纸及及其异型产品,石墨布、脂、瓷砂轮、脂切割片、刚石砂轮等。 - 3
High quality, Medium soft cloth backing. Suit for making flap disc, flap wheel and so on. For polishing and finishing complex surface of furniture. 优质中软布基砂带,主要用来做八辫砂、丝轮、气鼓、软基砂碟。主要用于:家俱行业的异型曲面的磨削和抛光。