释义 |
- 更换所有者:将某物品或财产的所有权从一人转移到另一人的过程。
- 1
Taxonomies that change very little typically have few editors or owners, and the model updates are not required to flow immediately to other systems. 变化非常少的分类法通常只有几个编辑人员或所有者,而且模型的更新不需要立即传播给其他系统。 - 2
No one wants to change 40,000 file owners, one at a time. 没有人愿意一次一个地更改 40,000 个文件所有者。 - 3
Figure 2 shows the process flow for artwork change management, the owners of particular steps, and the critical documents that are produced. 图2展示了美术品更改管理的流程流,特殊步骤的所有者以及生成的关键文档。