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1 ?收购金饰 随着黄金价格本月较早时候每盎士首度升越1,800美元并且正在持续上升之际,该些专门收购金饰(cash-for-gold)的代理商表示,业界生意从未试过如此忙碌。金价周一再创历史新高,每盎士升至接近1,900美元。
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He may, for example, simply take the gold or cash out of the vault and live it up, spending money on mansions or yachts. 他可以,比如,仅仅从金库里取出黄金或现金,把这些钱用来买庄园或游艇,好好享受一下。 - 2
A nation on a 40 per cent reserve would use more gold for the same credit structure than one on 30 per cent reserve; so would a nation whose people always paid in cash. 对于相同的信贷结构,拥有40%储备的国家可以比拥有30%储备的国家使用更多的黄金;同理,如果一个国家的人民倾向于使用现金进行支付,这个国家也就能使用更多的黄金。 - 3
And the sell-off was not just reserved for equities -- oil and gold, which normally act as a storage of wealth, also fell as worried investors put all their money in cash. 被抛售的不仅包括股票。 由于恐慌的投资者急于把所有资金变现,因此常被认为可以保值的石油和黄金价格均出现下跌。