... 病例发现 case-finding 病例隔离case isolation 病例管理 case management ...
These functions help you ensure that the running of one test case doesn't affect another (test caseisolation).
这些方法将帮助你确保运行一个测试用例而不会影响到另外的用例(测试用例独立性test case isolation)。
When pandemic influenza a (H1N1) widely affects communities, it is necessary to take comprehensive control measures, such as caseisolation and room ventilation.
在甲型h1n 1流感社区广泛传播阶段,流感暴发时需做好隔离病例,开窗通风等综合的防控措施。
In this case, changing transaction isolation Settings for EIS facades will make little difference, as the ECI and XCF communication protocols will not communicate this information to the back ends.