他的鸽子日常引用凡塞尔(Versele Lag)及隆麦斯(Beyers)的混合物,并且每两周会接受兽医帕斯卡·兰努(Pascal Lanneau)的检查一次,他想它们在健康问题发生的第一时间就能得到治疗。
在上笼集鸽5-6天之前,会饲喂贝耶斯(Beyers)的超级鳏夫鸽粮和范罗贝公司(Van Robaeys)的超级特制鸽粮混合在一起,在最后2天还要额外添加玉米。
... 所属州: IL 名字: Beyers 姓: E ...
... 标签: Tricia Morgan 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Beyers ...
In his interview, Beyers provides some perspective on what exactly big data is to most organizations these days.
FORBES: Cloud and Big Data, Together: A Huge Springboard to Innovation
Beyers may have meant that the level of industry interest and innovation in big data parallels that seen in the cloud computing space in recent years.