The Banyamulenge is a term historically describing the ethnic Tutsi concentrated on the High Plateau of South Kivu, in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, close to the Burundi-Congo-Rwanda border. The ambiguous political and social position of the Banyamulenge has been a point of contention in the province, leading to the Banyamulenge playing a key role in the run-up to the First Congo War in 1996-7 and Second Congo War of 1998-2003.
Although the gentlemen in the Goma garden were ethnically diverse, the revolt is led by the Banyamulenge, the Tutsis of eastern Congo, and backed by their cousins in Rwanda.
ECONOMIST: Heading for an African war
Certainly some see it as a Banyamulenge movement.
ECONOMIST: Heading for an African war
Most of these troops belong to the Tutsi racial group and their dismissal led many fellow Tutsis from Congo known as Banyamulenge to move out of western and central Congo and flee to their home country in the east.