释义 |
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Today, he says, most store-bought salad dressings and pasta sauces contain more sugar per gram than chocolate syrup does. 他说现在许多现成的沙拉酱和披萨酱的单位含糖量比巧克力酱的要高。 - 2
It's ideal for keeping food, especially sauces and soups, warm without overheating them, and it offers a foolproof way of melting chocolate without burning it. 这是一个保持食物,特别是酱汁和汤类温度并别不烧过头的理想方法,并且提供了一种傻瓜似的方法可以避免将熔化的巧克力烧焦。 - 3
Buy: Cookies, Sweets, Sauces, Organic frozen vegetables, Snack food (peanut, chocolate). 采购:曲奇,糖果,酱,有机冷冻蔬菜,休闲食品(花生,巧克力)。