释义 |
1 ?乔巴 而且今天叫乔巴(CHOBAR)一个地方,的确有一个窄如剑峰的峡谷.在这峡谷的下面,供奉着一块形似甘尼诗(GANESH)象头神的大石头,很多人相信,这便是克里斯纳遗...
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So he prayed, and in a dream, the guru Zhangton Chobar, came to him and gave teachings. 他就猛励地祈请,于是上师章通绰巴现身在他的梦中并赐予了教授。 - 2
This is the living creature, which I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chobar: and I understood that they were cherubims. 这就是我靠近革巴尔河,在以色列的天主下面所见的那些活物,现在我明白他们是革鲁宾。 - 3
The word of the Lord came to Ezechiel the priest the son of Bud in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chobar: and the hand of the Lord was there upon him. 那时在加色丁地,靠近革巴尔河,上主的话传给步齐的儿子厄则克耳司祭,上主的手临于我。