A senior anti-Mafia prosecutor in Sicily has said that neither of Cosa Nostra's last two “bosses of bosses” would be in prison if the law had been in force earlier.
He has an intimidating reputation. The Italian anti-Mafia police contend he is tied to the Sicilian mob, that his cousin was tapped to be the next capo dei capi—the head of the entire organization.
他有着咄咄逼人的名头,意大利反黑手党警察认为(contend)他跟西西里暴民有勾结,他的堂兄(his cousin was tapped to be the next the capo dei capi—the head of the entire organization.)
Mr Takayama was asked whether any of Olympus's financial advisers had ties to "anti-social forces", a euphemism for the yakuza (Japanese Mafia). He replied: "I don't acknowledge that at all."