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数学 级联故障 The result shows that as far as a few key nodes are protected in the network the large cascading errors will be avoided. This conclusion is of great importance to control the cascading errors of network. 此外,还进一步研究了网络级联故障的控制策略,发现只要对网络中少数关键的节点进行安全控制,就能避免网络中大规模级联故障的发生,该结论对网络级联故障的控制具有重要的应用价值。
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Protection: How secure is an API against runtime or cascading errors? 保护:面对运行时错误或者级联错误,如何保障API的安全? - 2
You can modify these cascading style sheet classes, and therefore modify the appearance of the validation errors, by modifying the Site.css file located in the Content folder. 你可以在content目录下的site . css文件中修改这些css样式,可以修改掉相应的验证错误信息的界面。 - 3
There are three cascading style sheet classes used to control the appearance of validation errors.