释义 |
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She knew nothing about the disease. She attributes his asthma to air pollution and says it is triggered quite easily by dust, cold, and pollution. 她当时对这种病一无所知,将孩子的病因归结于空气污染,认为灰尘、寒冷和污染非常容易诱发哮喘。 - 2
The samples in the database can be queried by their attributes, such as sample types, disease names or sample providers. 数据库中的样品能够通过它们的属性,例如样品类型,疾病名字或样品提供者进行查询。 - 3
Hypertension gets sick (primary hypertension) is old age people common disease, is morbidity and so on apoplexy, coronary disease important attributes. 高血压病(原发性高血压)是老年人们常见病,是脑卒中、冠心病等发病的重要因素。