释义 |
- n.总检察长(复数):各国或各州政府的首席法律顾问和法律执行官。
- 1
The bank, America’s largest mortgage servicer, is being pushed towards a costly settlement with state attorneys-general, who have been investigating banks’ foreclosure practices. 作为美国最大的抵押贷款服务商,美国银行还面临着与州检察官的高额和解,这位检察官过去一直在调查美国银行的抵押赎回操作。 - 2
The bank, America's largest mortgage servicer, is being pushed towards a costly settlement with state attorneys-general, who have been investigating Banks' foreclosure practices. 作为美国最大的抵押贷款服务商,美国银行还面临着与州检察官的高额和解,这位检察官过去一直在调查美国银行的抵押赎回操作。 - 3
It is, of course, impossible to say what would have happened had the Justice Department and 19 state attorneys general not taken Microsoft to court in 1998. 当然,如果1998年司法部和19个律师没有将微软送上法庭,我们谁也无法预料到底会发生什么。