...RS Attitude and Heading Reference System 姿态航向基准系统 AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System 姿态和航向基准系统 AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System 姿态航向基准系统 ..
...域】航太 【专利】新型专利(台湾) 【应用情境说明】 一种载具的姿态量测及参考系统(Attitude and Heading Reference System,AHRS),以低成本的模组 组合而成,可应用于航空载具、陆上的交通工具,或是 航海装备。
...态的电子罗盘,或与MEMS陀螺仪共同构成9自由度(Degree of Freedom)的航向与姿态参考系统(Attitude and Heading Reference System,简称航姿参考系统或AHRS)[1-2]。为保证AHRS使用精度,必须对三轴磁强计与三轴加速度计进行误差校正与补偿。
An extended Kalman filter with adaptive gain was used to build a miniature attitudeandheadingreferencesystem based on stochastic model.
The LCR-100 Gyrocompass AHRS is a north finding attitudeandheadingreferencesystem based on a state-of-the-art fibre-optic gyro and micro-electromechanical (MEMS) accelerometers.
With this measured data, information fusion algorithm is able to design a high precision AttitudeandHeadingReferencesystem. Therefore it can accord with the control system demand.