... 所属州: CA 名字: Attias 姓: J ...
... 阿蒂亚奇 artiach 阿蒂亚斯 athias; atias; atijas; attias; attyasse 阿蒂亚纳拉扬 atyanarayana ...
阿提亚斯 ; 丹 ; 导演
导 ; 丹尼尔 ; 副导演丹尼尔.阿提亚斯
The Attias make some lavish claims for what a circular layout does for building efficiency.
FORBES: The House Goes Round
The Attias say the exterior of the house can be assembled by a seasoned crew in a week.
Construction and Housing Minister Ariel Attias let the cat out of the bag.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Netanyahu's perilous statecraft