释义 |
1 ?在这一刹那 字典,英汉建筑大词典,trickling filt... ... attic room,attic room,屋顶房 attic floor,attic floor,屋顶室, 阁楼 attic,attic,屋顶室, 阁楼 ...
- 1
At this instant, the shining pageant appears, and files in at the door, with a measured march. 就在这个时候,光彩夺目的队伍出现了,迈着整齐的步伐从门口鱼贯而入。 - 2
At this instant the second door opened, and the young girl, her eyes bathed with tears, appeared. 这时,第二道门开了,门口出现了那泪痕满面的年轻姑娘。 - 3
The three timers pivoted to this slot expire at this instant or when the cursor reaches the same slot in the subsequent cycle. 目前,指针处于槽位 1。 以该槽位为中心的三个计时器将立即计时到期、或者在后继周期中当指针达到相同槽处时计时到期。