释义 |
1 ?在 ... approachability approachable 易接近的、平易近人的 at the approach of 在...快到的时候 be approaching (to) 与...差不多、大致相等 ... 2 ?在快到 approach a problem from different angles 从不同的观点研究问题 at the approach of 在快到… …的时候 approach sb about/for sth 向某人要求某物 . 3 ?在…将到的时候 at the approach of 在快到的时候; 在…将到的时候... 4 ?在快到的时候 at the approach of 在快到的时候; 在…将到的时候.
- 1
It seems as though, at the approach of a certain dark hour, the light of heaven fills those who are quitting the light of earth. 仿佛在某种惨痛的时刻临近时,上天的光特来照临那些被尘世的光所离弃了的人们一样。 - 2
A shoal of Frogs seated upon the bank, frightened at the approach of the Hares, leaped In the greatest alarm and confusion Into the water. 一群青蛙在湖畔坐着,看见来了一群野兔都害怕起来,于是万分恐惧、狼狈不堪地跳到水里去了。 - 3
So they hunted him all day, but at the approach of sunset the king said to the hunter who had followed the fawn the day before, "Come and show me the little cottage. 于是他们围猎了他一整天,但是快到太阳落山的时候国王对先前跟着牡鹿的一整天的猎人们说,“走吧,带我去看看那个小屋。”