释义 |
1 [通信]?衰减失真 ... attenuation decrement 衰减,减缩率,衰减量 attenuation distortion 衰减失真,衰减畸变 attenuation equalization 衰减均衡 ... 2 [电子]?衰减畸变 ... attenuation constant衰减常数 attenuation distortion衰减畸变 attenuation factor衰减因数 ... 3 ?振幅失真 ... harmonic distortion 谐波畸变 attenuation distortion 振幅失真,衰减畸变,... distortion factor 失真因数,失真度... 4 ?与减弱失真 ...的减损也会影响通讯系统所能承载的通讯容量 (capacity) 通讯的减损分类 ? 减弱(attenuation)与减弱失真(attenuation distortion) ? 讯号在媒体中传送会随著经过的距离而衰减 ? 不同频率的讯号组成组成衰减的程度不一,当接收端收到讯号时会有失真 (distortio...
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If the drums will be hit medium to hard, you'll usually want to enable the mic's built-in attenuation (" pad ") switch. This helps minimize the chance of distortion. 如果鼓被越来越有力度的击打,我们经常会希望把麦克内置的衰减开关打开,这样会帮助减少失真的机会。 - 2
The results show that the system improved the VGA signal attenuation and distortion, achieved high-quality, long-distance transmission. 实验结果表明,该系统有效改善了VGA信号的衰减和失真现象,可保证信号的高质量、长距离传输。 - 3
The blind equalization algorithm is "equanimous" and the characteristic of convergence is not influenced by distortion of channel, it is fit for equalizing deep attenuation channel. 该算法具有镇定性,其收敛性能不会受到失真信道的影响,适用于均衡衰落性严重的信道。