释义 |
1 ?附加基板 ... attachment ==> 连接,连接法,附加,附上,附属品,附属装置,附着,附着体,起期,扣押,设备 attachment base ==> 附加基板,附加控制板 attachment bolt ==> 联接螺栓,连接螺栓 ...
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The internal working models, which are formed on the base of the individual's attachment history, direct the cognitive, the affect, and the behavior of the individual in relational context. 在个体的依恋历史的基础上形成的内部工作模型,引导着个体在关系中的认知、情感和行为。 - 2
Seeing through SEM, the base metal of Nickel paste can be accreted hard on the ceramics, and good ohm attachment is formed. 通过扫描电镜(SEM)可以发现镍电极能牢固地附着在陶瓷体上并具有良好的欧姆接触性能。 - 3
A small projection at the base of a basidiospore near its attachment to the sterigma.