释义 |
1 ?名字 ... 所属州: NY 名字: Caruana 姓: L ... 2 ?卡鲁阿纳 卡鲁阿纳(Caruana)强调了各类政策工具之间的 密切配合,指出鉴于系统性风险的复杂性,需结 合所有政策工具共同应对系统性风险.
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Caruana says more than six months into the crisis, credit markets are still not functioning normally. 卡鲁那指出,次贷危机发生至今已经六个多月了,信贷市场依然没有恢复正常运作。 - 2
Elliott's lawyers reportedly served Jaime Caruana, the bank's general manager, with a subpoena at a public event, just as he was about to speak. 据说Elliott的律师在国际清算银行总经理Jaime Caruana准备在一次公众活动上讲话时递上了传票。 - 3
Yet sovereignty was the great unmentionable at his meeting with the British foreign secretary, David Miliband, and Gibraltar's chief minister, Peter Caruana. 当然,在与英国外交大臣米利班德与直布罗陀的首席部长彼得?卡鲁阿纳的会谈中,最不堪提及的话题就是主权。