释义 |
- 乡村玫瑰:一种具有浓郁乡村风格的玫瑰花,通常用于装饰乡村别墅或花园。
1 ?农舍玫瑰 47 农舍玫瑰(Cottage Rose) 20-30 灌木 扦插苗+嫁接苗 48 玛丽?罗斯(Mary Rose) 25 灌木 扦插苗 2 ?白玫瑰 章 【中文名】白玫瑰 【英文名】cottage rose 【性质】白玫瑰是玫瑰花的一个品种,香气较为浓烈,带醛香、蜜醋甜香。 此文章为 香精香料词典大全 整理或来自网络,内容仅供访问者参考,版权归原作者所有,转载 3 ?白蔷薇 白蔷薇 cottage rose 地蔷薇 erect chamaerhodos herb ..
- 1
However, it seemed as if I didn't pick the cottage rose and she didn't wear it. Still with the flowers in hands, she walked forward. 然而似乎我竟没有摘,她也没有戴,依旧抱着花儿,向前走了。 - 2
As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand. 他继续漫谈着自己和过去的生活,外面风刮起来了,象一只巨掌在摇撼着那单幢住所。 - 3
She walked up to Rose Cottage on the off chance of finding Mrs.