释义 |
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In truth, Dr Watson, co-discoverer of the double-helical structure of DNA back in the 1950s, had a point. 事实上,在1950年当沃森博士合作发现DNA的双螺旋结构的时候,他的断言的确有一定的道理。 - 2
Making stupid comments about the second question can be a career-killing move, as James Watson, a co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, recently found. 脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)结构的发现者之一詹姆斯·沃森最近发现,对第二个问题做出欠考虑的评论简直就能让他在科学界一败涂地。 - 3
When DNA co-discoverer James Watson published his genome in 2007, he left one tiny bit out: the piece that would have told him which version of the APOE gene he has. James Watson 2007年发布他的基因组时,他隐藏了一个小小的部分:能告诉他载脂蛋白e基因型的那一部分。