释义 |
- 民政事务:由友好占领方监督和指导的领土内民用人口的事务和运作。
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In addition, the report said the rainstorms damaged 3, 260 homes and 255, 630 acres (103, 450 hectares) of crops, according to Guangxi's Civil Affairs Department. 此外,报道还说,暴雨损坏了3,260所住房和255,630英亩(103,450公顷)的庄稼,根据广西民政厅的报道。 - 2
The quake was followed by eight aftershocks and the provincial civil affairs department was sending 4, 500 tents, 3, 000 quilts and other relief materials to Yao`an, Xinhua said. 此次地震伴随8次余震,当地民政部门已经向姚安下发了4500顶帐篷,3000套被褥及其他救灾物资。 - 3
Luo Ping’en was appointed the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Civil Affairs (with probation of one year). (2010.07.12) 任命罗平恩为四川省民政厅副厅长(试用期一年)。(2010.07.12)