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城市(水)总管 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The Liujiang River, which is the main source of drinking and industrial water use of the city, suffered from pollution from untreated sewage and rainwater flows. 作为柳州市工业和居民生活用水主要水源的柳江则受到部分未经处理的污水和雨水排放污染。 - 2
This photo, taken in the winter months of 1942, shows citizens of Leningrad as they dip for water from a broken main, during the nearly 900-day siege of the Russian city by German invaders. 这张照片拍摄于1942年冬天,展现了在德国侵略者对列宁格勒近900天的围攻期间,该市市民在破损的管道中取水的场面。 - 3
Green, the main color of Yizheng Economic Development Zone, represents the harmonious coexistence between park and city, between water, human and culture. 绿色,仪征经济开发区的主体色调,它象征着园区与城市,水脉、人脉与文脉的和谐共存;