释义 |
1 ?觉悟 这种慈悲的大愿,在梵文中称为菩提质多(Bodhicitta),菩提(bodhi)的意思是觉悟,质多(citta)的意思是心。因此,我们可以把它翻译为“觉悟的心要”,或简称“菩提心”。 2 ?名字 ... 名字: Citta 姓: Salvatore 标签: Salvatore Citta ...
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Then Citta the householder went to them and, on arrival, having bowed down to them, sat to one side. 其时,质多居士来诣此等长老比丘住处,礼拜彼等,坐于一面。 - 2
Pujiang’s Italian town, or “Citta di Pujiang, ” designed by Italian architecture firm Gregotti Associati, uses a stripped-down style with clean lines. 浦江的意大利风情镇(Citta di Pujiang),是由意大利建筑设计公司Gregotti Associati设计的,运用了简约的风格和明晰的线条。 - 3
The town was meant to house 150, 000 people displaced from Shanghai’s 2010 World Expo, which is situated to the north of the “citta, ” but only half of the town has been completed. 这个小镇为了减缓上海2010世博住房压力,能方便从北边转移来的人,“citta”设计能够承载150000人,但是到现在,只有一半的工程完工。