释义 |
- 二进制位:二进制系统中使用的两个数字之一,通常为0和1。
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If you enter text via a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer. 假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。 - 2
In the binary system, the digit combination 10 has the value two, which is where the word binary comes from. 在二进制中,数字组合“10”的数值为二,“二进制”就是根据这个数值来命名的。 - 3
BIT - short for binary digit, which, in a computer, is the smallest unit of storage.