释义 |
- n.反公地:一种资源管理现象,指多个所有者拥有对某一资源的排他性使用权,导致资源的低效使用或无法使用。
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文学 反公地 Traditional Intellectual Property Protection is simplyaimed at avoiding the tragedy of the conmons, while this paper, combiningwith "The Tragedy of the Anticonmons" , analyses that what measures shouldbe taken when"tragedy of the anticommons" is likely to accur. 传统的知识产权保护的目的只是为了避免上述公地悲剧,本文则试图结合反公地悲剧理论,分析当考虑到有可能出现反公地悲剧时,知识产权保护制度安排将作何种调整。
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When patent holders exercise their exclusive rights or do not offer their permission subsequent researches can hardly proceed, thus leading to resource underuse, a tragedy of anticommons. 当专利权人行使排他权时,后续研发工作就难以进行,从而造成对专利成果利用不足和上游基础研究被闲置的反公地悲剧。 - 2
And then this article argues the external reasons of virtual property being protected through three aspects including technique-leading, "the tragedy of anticommons", world-wide competition. 本文还从技术牵引、“反公地悲剧”、全球竞争等三个方面论证了对虚拟财产进行保护的客观理由;