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atrial effective refractory period 1 ?心房有效不应期 ...采用快速心房刺激致心房颤动动物模型,观察氯沙坦(血管紧张素受体I拮抗剂)对心房有效不应期(atrial effective refractory period,AERP)及缝隙连接蛋白40、45(Cx45、Cx40)的作用。 2 ?有效不应期 ...采用快速心房刺激致心房颤动动物模型,观察氯沙坦(血管紧张素受体I拮抗剂)对心房有效不应期(atrial effective refractory period,AERP)及缝隙连接蛋白40、45(Cx45、Cx40)的作用。 3 ?房有效不应期 ...采用快速心房刺激致心房颤动动物模型,观察氯沙坦(血管紧张素受体I拮抗剂)对心房有效不应期(atrial effective refractory period,AERP)及缝隙连接蛋白40、45(Cx45、Cx40)的作用。 4 ?和心房有效不应期 ... : 正目的探讨年龄因素对心房传导速度(atrial conduction velocity,ACV)和心房有效不应期(atrial effective refractory period,AERP)等电生理特性的影响。
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Conclusion The extent of atrial fibro sis was increased in abdominal aorta banded rats. Although longer P wave duration and IACT are present, there is no change in atrial effective refractory period. 结论腹主动脉结扎大鼠心房纤维化程度增加,P波时限增宽,IACT延长,心房有效不应期没有改变。 - 2
The relative refractory period, functional refractory period and effective refractory period (ERP) of right atrial, atrioventricular node and right ventricle were increased. 心房、房室结及心室相对不应期、功能不应期及有效不应期(erp)延长。 - 3
Conclusion the atrial pacing rate of change can affect the AV node effective refractory period and conduction in refractory period. 结论心房起搏频率的改变可影响房室结的有效不应期和传导功能。