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代码循环 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?电码周 ... 电码制 code system 电码周 code cycle 电码组 code group ...
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The short "code, test, code, test" cycle of TDD invites refactoring in these cases, which continually drives the development of uncomplex code. 在这些情况下,TDD 的简短的 “代码、测试、代码、测试” 循环将导致重构,而这将继续驱使非复杂代码的开发。 - 2
What makes Construction phase iterations special, then, is the marked sense of progress implicit in each analyze-design-code-test cycle that is brought to completion every few weeks. 在几个星期内,我们就会完成一个分析——设计——编码——测试的周期,这个给我们一种明显进展的感觉。这就是构建阶段的迭代的独特之处。 - 3
Given that everyone on the team will be going through the "write a test, fix the code, refactor" cycle frequently, it's essential that you can both write and run tests efficiently. 假使项目中的每一个人都在周而复始地重复“写测试,修改代码,重构”,当然有必要使你的测试工作更加有效。