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布朗的代码 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Brown considers that good code is a good place to start, but to succeed one needs to know what is to be built, what is released and that it works. Brown认为好代码是一个好的开始,但要取得成功,人们需要知道要构建什么、要发布什么以及它可以运作起来。 - 2
To borrow a tag line from the author of twill, Dr. Titus Brown, "if you don't test your code, how you can say it works?" 在此引用twill的作者Titus Brown的话结束本文“如果没有测试代码,您怎么知道它能正常工作呢?” - 3
By 2003's The Da Vinci Code, Brown had clearly honed his pop-lit formulation of improbable plot twists, historical trivia and travelogue. 在2003年的那本《达芬奇密码》中,丹·布朗已经通过看似不可能的曲折情节、历史琐事和游记为前传埋下了线索。