释义 |
1 ?拘泥 be a stickler for; rigidly adhere to 拘泥 scrape the mud off one's shoes; 刮掉鞋上的泥 .. 2 ?拘束 ... [muscular constriction] 肌肉收缩,不能自如伸展 [starchy;be a stickler for] 拘束;拘泥 [frozen stiff, numb with cold] 〈方〉∶[手脚]冻僵,活动不灵 ...
- 1
Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right. - 2
Mr Gehry, with his shock of Einstein-white hair, was a stickler for detail. No two parts of the 24, 000 square metre (258, 000 square foot) leviathan could be the same-or even symmetrical. 有着一头令人吃惊的爱因斯坦式白发的Gehry先生是一个非常注重细节的人,在这个24,000平方米(258,000平方英尺)的庞然大物上任何部分都是独特的,也不存在任何的对称。 - 3
Mr Gehry, with his shock of Einstein-white hair, was a stickler for detail. No two parts of the 24,000 square metre (258,000 square foot) leviathan could be the same—or even symmetrical. 有着一头令人吃惊的爱因斯坦式白发的Gehry先生是一个非常注重细节的人,在这个24,000平方米(258,000平方英尺)的庞然大物上任何部分都是独特的,也不存在任何的对称。