释义 |
- 1
The difference, or carry, would be the main source of return; if the bonds rose in price as well, so much the better. 其中的差额或携带将是回报的主要来源,如果债券的价格上扬那就更好了,多多益善。 - 2
Having support, though, makes a huge difference: it can keep you enthusiastic even when things aren't going well, and it can give you the motivation to carry on. 然而,有了支持情况就会大不一样:即使是在遇到挫折的时候,它也会使你葆有激情,还会给你继续前行的动力。 - 3
Thanks to the difference of thinking mode and culture background between Chinese and English people, a same image may carry quite different meanings. 由于英汉民族的思维方式和文化背景不同,同一形象所承载的语义可能就不尽相同。