释义 |
- 1
'Is none of it true, Pip?' he asked, shocked. 'no black carriage? But at least there were dogs, weren't there, Pip? No? Not even one dog?' “那全不是真的?匹普!”他摇着头问,“没有黑的马车?但是,至少有狗吧,对吗?匹普,没有?一条狗也没有?” - 2
If your dogs and the carriage are small enough, then you can put them under the seat, otherwise, ask to be seated next to an empty seat, so you can put the dog next to you. 若狗跟笼子够小,可放置座位下。否则,可请求坐在空位隔壁,并将狗放在空位上。