... 憨鲣鸟(Northern Gannet) 北极海鹦(Atlantic Puffin) 某种沙鹬? sandpiper ...
@华盖创意: #gettyimages摄影# 有“海中小丑”之称的 大西洋角嘴海雀 ( Atlantic Puffin ),又名北欧海鹦,是一种长相特殊、模样逗趣的鸟类,它们因有着鲜艳醒目的鸟喙而得名。
帕芬鸟(Atlantic Puffin) 对于北极动物,我们最熟悉的自然是北极熊,其实,在北极还有其他一些动物。
科 中文名称:北极海雀 英文名称:Atlantic Puffin 拉丁名称:Fratercula arctica 面值:90 C 分类科目:鹈形目-鸬鹚科 中文名称:斑鸬鹚 英文名称:Pied Cormo
This place, a nesting ground for the Atlantic puffin, is also at the centre of a long-rumbling border dispute between America and Canada.
ECONOMIST: An international grey area
The fowl are favorites of birders from Maine to Newfoundland, from Greenland to Ireland to France (the full range of the Atlantic Puffin's habitat).
FORBES: Magazine Article