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- 持有成本:持有成本是指在一段时间内持有证券或实物商品的成本。持有成本包括保险、存储费用、投资资金的利息以及其他附带费用。在利率期货市场中,它指的是现金工具收益率与购买该工具所需资金成本之间的差异。
1 ?持有成本 因此,我们可以用持有成本(cost-of-carry)的概念来概括远期和期货价格与现货价格的关系。持有成本的基本构成如下: 持有成本=保存成本+利息成本-标的资产在合约期限内提供...
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Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient, but still carry great cost. 变化的建筑法规,不断发展的品味,加上保养这些美丽而老旧的指示牌所需的高昂成本,都让商家们更欢迎 LED 灯,虽然 LED 灯节省能源,但是成本依然很高。 - 2
Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient but still carry great cost. 不断变化的建筑规范、人们逐渐发展的品味,以及维护这些精美的旧标志牌的高昂成本,让企业欣然接受了发光二极管。它们节约能源,但成本仍然很高。 - 3
Others, such as the considerable cost of an education, carry less weight than they ought to. 而其它组成部分(比如高昂的教育成本)所占的权重则低于应有水平。