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凯文·科斯特纳, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
One hallway is crammed with photographs signed by celebrity pals: Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, Madonna, as well as Tiger Woods, James Brown and a Miss World or two. 一个走廊挂满了名人朋友签名的照片:罗伯特?德?尼罗,凯文?科斯特纳,麦当娜,以及老虎伍兹,詹姆斯?布朗和一两个世界小姐。 - 2
He eventually takes work in the small, struggling construction business run by his brother-in-law Jack Dolan (Kevin Costner). 他最后到他的堂兄杰克·多兰(凯文·科斯特纳饰)开的家不怎么景气的小建筑公司干活。 - 3
This may result in either a) the polar ice caps melt, forcing mankind to live on boats with Kevin Costner or b) the gulf stream stops, turning New York City into an enormous icecube. 这要么会a)造成南北极冰盖融化,让人类以后只能和凯文卡斯塔( Kevin Costner )一样住在船上,b)要么洋流会停止,把纽约变成大冰块。