释义 |
动物,材料 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The material typically used for the pages was parchment, which is animal skin that's stretched and dried under tension, so it become s really flat and can be written on. 书页通常使用的材料是羊皮纸,羊皮纸是一种动物的皮肤,其在张力的作用下被拉伸和变干,因此它会变得非常平整,并且你可以在上面写字。 - 2
Bambo's the most common material, but they are also made of various types of wood, as well as plastic, porcelain, and animal bone. 竹子是最常见的材料,但它们也可以用各种各样的木材、塑料、瓷器、动物的骨头做成。 - 3
If you are arriving from overseas, bring no food, animal or plant material into the country. 如果你是从海外来的,不要带任何食物、动物或植物进入这个国家。