Haycombe Cottage度假屋位于康沃尔地区(Cornwall Region)的卡姆尔福德(Camelford),设有烧烤设施。天气晴朗时,客人可以使用烧烤设施烹制美味餐点,并在花园中放松身心。
They haven't looked at medical records or carried out clinical evaluations on the people in Camelford.
BBC: Lowermoor treatment works, Camelford
We live nearly two-and-three-quarter miles from the school north of Camelford on the A39.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Is it time to tackle the school run?
Julian Harman, also from Camelford, was ordered to pay costs for selling Brussel sprouts by the pound.
BBC: 'Metric martyrs' haggle for review