释义 |
1 ?氧化铝水泥 ... 铝铸铁 aluminum cast iron 氧化铝水泥 aluminum cement 铝箔 aluminum foil ...
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China accounts for more than half the world's consumption of cement, and nearly half its use of iron, coal, lead, zinc, aluminum and pigs. 中国的水泥消费量占全球一半以上,铁、煤、铅、锌、铝和猪肉使用量占全球近一半。 - 2
It is the coming shortage of everything - cement, iron ore, coal, steel, lead, zinc, aluminum and copper. 这个事件便是我们未来即将面临的所有资源短缺——水泥、铁矿石、煤炭、钢铁、铅、锌、铝和铜。 - 3
China, he points out, accounts for more than half the world's consumption of cement, and nearly half its use of iron, coal, lead, zinc, aluminum and, oink oink, pigs. 他指出,中国的水泥消费量占全球一半以上,铁、煤、铅、锌、铝和猪肉消费量占全球近一半。