然后,该师要转向西面并且尽可能快地前进到纳西里耶,那是一个关键的道路中心,向北通往 阿尔库特 ( al kut )而东北方则通往巴格达。两天之内,陆战队员们成功了完成了第一个任务。
古加拉特 ; 库特伊马拉
They call it Al Kut-Traz (like Alcatraz) because they're confined to the compound, even for meals.
NPR: Adrenaline Flows When Medevac Unit Takes Flight
The Boss Hog outfit at Al Kut consists of 25 men living in a compound about 500 yards square.
In Al Kut, south of Baghdad, things can be quiet for days for an Arkansas National Guard medevac unit.