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平静的中心 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land. 这些部队鲜少处于行动的中心:在阿富汗,他们留驻于相对平静的北方;在黎巴嫩,他们则在海上巡逻,而不是在陆地上。 - 2
Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath. 恰恰相反,这是要完全活在当下,完全清醒,感受我们的生活以及周围的事物,意识到我们可以如此平静,在暴风中心保持呼吸。 - 3
An official with a team of international observers from the Carter Center, David Carroll, said the polling was largely calm. 卡罗尔是“卡特中心”国际观察小组的一名官员。他说,总体来说投票情况相当平静。