...当1973年美国宣布不再保证美元可以指定价格兑换黄金,布雷顿森 林国际货币体系 ( Bretton woods international monetary system )正式解体,从此「美元本位制成为国际通用的货币体系,而当美元本位制诞生日起,此一货币制度的内部矛盾,便注定必然引发各式的.
The monetarysystem of the Western World is based on the agreement on the establishment of the Internationalmonetary Fund (IMF), which was made at BrettonWoods, New Hampshire (USA), in 1944.
Since the collapse of the BrettonWoodssystem in the 70s of 20th century, the internationalmonetary system has entered in Jamaica system, in which floating exchange rate becomes legitimate.