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1 ?选择育种 例:重瓣花安徽农业大学园艺学院 郝福玲第一节 选择与选择育种2、选择育种(breeding by selection):利用现有种类、品种的自然变异群体,通过选择的手段而育成新品种的途径。
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The breeding selection algorithm picks one parent by looking at the weights - in effect, every individual gets a chance to be a parent, but the number of parent slots is finite. 繁衍选择算法会查找weights数组,选择第一个双亲—其实,每个个体都有可能成为双亲,但是双亲位置的数目是确定的。 - 2
Two inbred lines of maize, ZA5716 and ZA6192, with high combining ability and disease resistance, were obtained from a breeding population improved by recurrent selection. 从轮回选择法改良的玉米育种群体中,选育出了配合力高、抗病性强的玉米新自交系za5716和ZA6192。 - 3
By applying the SRAP marker, assisted selection for the early molecules of Chinese cabbage nucleoplasm interactive male sterility trait can be carried out, so as to speed up breeding progress. 应用这个SRAP标记,可以进行大白菜核质互作雄性不育性状的早期分子辅助选择,加快育种进度。